Monday, February 01, 2010
Friday, January 01, 2010
iPhone accessories: felt, rubber sleeves and backup batteries

Byrd and Bell grey felt sleeve $19
Red Maloo purple felt sleeve with orange band €29

Seidio Slim

Griffin FlexGrip from $9 (3 colors)
E&B Company eNOVO W/ Clip for iPhone $39.95 (corporate leather style)

InCase Slim Sleeve $24.95

Mobi Products Clip Pouch for iPhone - "workers"sleeve $9.95
One thing that sucks is the battery capacity. Apparently this is the best one:
Review: Just Mobile Gum Pro Power Pack
Review of Backup battery: InCase Power Slider and JuicePack Air
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Improve the iPhone usabillity

1. Phonebook: Favorites
Ther iPhone relies heavily on icons, though the "Favorites" tab under "Contacts" does not. It is a normal text list:

Using the Contacts photos would be much easier and allows for my contacts without scrolling. The application "My Phone Plus For Facebook" has done this already, displaying 9 contacts as opposed to the current 8:

However making the icons the same size as the rest of the iPhone's icons would give a total of 16 favorites (considering I have several hundred contacts, 16 is not that many..:)

If you are like me, then you have many apps installed. This means right scrolling and scrolling the screen to the right. Vertical scrolling has though not been used:
Small circles could indicate where one is:

3. Most of my contacts have birthdays noted in the phonebook.
Why isn't this info linked up to the calendar? Or at least one ought to have the option to get notifications of birthdays. (I use fbCal to have birthdays in another calendar on the iPhone, but I tend to forget to look at it. Hence the desire for birthday intergration.
4. Improve battery life A product can be as fantastic as it wants, but when such a basic feature isn't in place, then quite alot falls apart. I mean, if I make it through the day with one charing I am happy. Heavy usage makes it last maybe 7-8 hours. Sorry, MAC. Please improve.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Elliptic shows off the touchless web
Ah, and if you happen to be really interrested in testing it (or just in Amsterdam), meet them at IBC 2009 and try their prototype at the Opera Software booth - 3.C11.
Nothing better than to see a client doing great.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Want your photos to look like Polaroids?

Its an easy 3 click manner to create images like the one you see on the left. Its free too!
One thing Im missing though, is the ability to choose the position and cropping of the photo I'm uploading to the Polaroid template. Hope to see that in their next release.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Get (more) social on your blog easily and free
What is it you may ask? Its a toolbar that shows your Twitter feed, Facebook page, translates your blog, gives you search ++ Its completely customizable, free and gives you statistics too. This video explains it fairly well:
ps. Its still in Beta, but only took me one day to get invite.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Cheap laptop stands made of cardboard

But why pay, when you can create it yourself!? Laptop cardboard tutorial

Or even from a clothhanger.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Designer lamps that rock (a give light!)

Buy them at PA Design
The Liquid Lamp

Neon Lamp
(created by yourself) thanks to design by OpenDesignClub and

Or the slightly more futuristic (non existing) "PC lamp" by designer Seungchan Lee

Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Freelance designer on a Mac? Check out this applications

I have looked into Billings before, but never really started to use it (never came past the testing stage..), but it seems promising.
One programme I found really interresting was iBiz by IGG Software. You can associate a document to the application and it tracks the time you work on it (or at least have it open). Much better than having a stop watch which one tends to forget stopping.
Monday, May 04, 2009
SkypeIn and SkypeOut on my w810i using Midp/Java

7 days trial, or get the whole for 10 US bucks. Its a deal!
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Some Mac stuff: screensaver

SoundStream (great when you have a party and want some visuals)

Or HAL 9000 (how more geeky can you get?!) This one is both for PC and Mac.
All free of course (!?)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
I am a nerd: more cool Lego robots

SAFS Heart
by someone called Gambort. He/She has a album called Mecca filled with cool Lego robots. I love the Internet!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lego figures over time

Labels: product
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Twitter usage increases in Norway and how to get old mobile phones (ie. w810i) on Twitter
Any-ways, having a blog I mixed that up with Twitter with TwitterFeed (its just really a feed from my blog to my twitter account) and then having the Twitter application in Facebook feeding from Twitter to my Facebook status field, suddenly I have created a little mashup and am so proud!
BUT, I dont own an iPhone, but obviously want to spam everyone with meaningless trivia from my daily life. So what to do? Tata!! I found the solution: Jitter.

Friday, February 06, 2009
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Write your own tshirt slogan Sells tees that you can write one. Good idea!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Added feedback form on my Portada online shop

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Create your own desginer belt: Apple Mac Pro Mouse Beltbuckle

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Stylish looking suitcase and other sexy industrial designs
Monday, December 22, 2008
Nabaztag the cute rabbit
Sunday, December 21, 2008
How many tshirts can a man wear!?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
iTunes coverflow on Macs with iSight camera
FluidTunes from Majic Jungle Software. Scroll your library in iTunes waving your hands in front of your Apple Mac. Havent tested this one yet, but seems like a pretty cool app.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Transformers: Robots made of paper!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wii on Youtube shaking it ut!
Labels: advertising, new, product, video
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Pantone magnetic calendar designed by Stokke Austad

Heres a selection of other great designs from Norway that will be at 100% Norway
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Translation help via Messenger

Read all about it:
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Syncronise your mobile phone with iTunes

Salling Media Sync synchronizes playlists, music, and podcasts from iTunes onto your mobile phone. It's free to use, but when registered it intelligently updates your phone, which is much faster.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Organise cables

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Cool t-shirts from Phatrags
Use this code if you want to save 10%: phat10a
Monday, April 28, 2008
Brandjunkie survey
The Brandjunkie survey results:
A concentrated dose of the Brandjunkies results
Labels: advertising, design, new, product
Friday, April 18, 2008
Padre Paranoia sells funky t-shirts!
Personally, I like the flying Leika the best :)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Buy your tshirt now, get free shipping!

35 or 50€ or 400 Norwegian Kroner. Free Shipping and a red String Thong for free! Code: Valentinus2008+
Visit my webshop now:
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Thursday, December 27, 2007
A whole new time! (Neolog´s design watch)

NEOLOG is based on dividing time into intelligible units: Hours, units of ten minutes, and units of one minutes which are arranged in vertical blocks.
It takes a bit getting used to (at least for the first hour of having the watch..:) BUT it is so sexy... Christmas tip of the year I say! (too late for most countries, but if the gifts are given on the Holy 3 Kings Day there is still a chance!)
Check out the site (and order it) Ahh... and the site has some widget downloads too :)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Microsofts iPod
However, I really find the Zune Art site excellent! Its really a creative ad campaign that uses animation and indie tunes to promote the Zune. It ought to generate a buzz online. Loads of freebies: wallpaper, videos, even faltpack toys!Check it out:
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Free shipping in November!
Gratis frakt på t-skjortene mine i november! Bare skriv inn kode ved bestillingen: XMAS07
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Lego screensaver and other fun things
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Steve and Bill meet again

Quite interesting how those guys are really similar (appearance, computer knowledge, voice etc), yet Steve always is a bit cooler. Just like Macs.. :P
A short summary of the meeting can be read:
Or, if you really are interested, see all the videos at: All things digital.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Pengestøtte til «Ragnar Rock - Veien mot Vallhall»

Les hele artikkelen på:
Designer box wine cooler

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
The Robotic Chair
“The Robotic Chair”, collaborations with Canadian artists Max Dean and Matt Donovan. The Robotic Chair, their latest piece, is a work in progress. It was completed in mid-summer 2006, at which time it will make its first public appearance.
How cool was that?! I want one now!
Monday, May 07, 2007
The best place to piss away your time on the Internet TM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Nektes iPod-hjelp
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Free mobile applications: Get Jar
Monday, March 26, 2007
Fantastic Spiderman ad
Labels: advertising, humour, product
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Toll og moms
Mytene om toll og særavgifter er mange, og folks frykt for å dra på seg uventede utgifter hindrer mange fra å bestille seg det de ønsker fra utlandet. Tilfellet er at det er svært få varer som pådrar seg mer enn moms (25%) i dag på grunn av EU, EFTA og andre frihandelsavtaler. Dette gjelder så lenge man ikke handler fra et utviklingsland og at man handler som privatperson. Holder man seg unna varer som alkohol/tobakk, motor/drivstoff og mat/drikke er det sjelden man får noen uventede utgifter. Det viktigste unntaket fra denne reglen er klær og tekstiler som i verste fall kan dra på seg en toll fra 5,9 til 10,7 prosent.
* Forsendelser med verdi under 200 kroner blir verken avgiftbelagt med toll eller moms.
* Bøker kan tas inn uten avgifter uavhengig av verdi. Pass på at det kun er bøker i forsendelsen da blanding av varer kan pådra avgifter på hele forsendelsen.
* Gaver for inntil 1000 kr er moms- og avgiftsfritt. Det eneste som er nødvendig er at den blir merket som gave på dokumentasjonen.
* Ofte har du annledning til å påvirke hvilken frakt som blir brukt når du handler fra utlandet. Hvis du skal ha varer fra USA kan du be om Global Express Mail EMS. Med denne tjenesten slipper du å betale Postens fortollningsgebyr (80kr for varer under 1000kr og 175kr for varer over 1000kr).
Vær oppmerksom på at du må betale toll og momsavgift (25%) når du handler fra nettbutikker i utlandet. Tollavgift på varer under 1000 kroner hos posten er 75 kroner. For varer over 1000 kroner er tollavgiften noe høyere. Noen ganger slipper du å betale tollavgift og moms fordi Posten ikke har kapasitet til å sjekke alle pakningene som kommer inn til landet. Etter vår erfaring blir kun 40-50% av varene sjekket. Noen utenlandske nettbutikker deler også opp forsendingene i flere pakker (pakker under 200 kr.) slik at du slipper tollavgiften.
fra: importalen.noWednesday, January 17, 2007
Free shipping!

Well, as Valetine's Day is approaching I'm being nice and giving free shipping untill the 14.2.2007. The free shipping code is:
So nothing to keep you from shopping now!