Friday, April 27, 2007

Ren and Stimpy ad

This is the way all ads should be! have a brilliant weekend! (ps. its taken from the fantastic cartoon Ren and Stimpy)

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Google games

If your feeling bored, and want to have fun with Google as your tool.
Google games

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Arbeiderpartiet sier:Alle skal med!

Arbeiderpartiet har hatt landsmøte og fått seg nytt slagord. Det nye slagordet er: "Alle skal med". Leste en fin kommentar idag i DN av Kjetil B. Alstadheim i dag. Han skriver bla.:

"Slagordet høres ut som en sosialdemokratisk søndagstur. Alle skal med, enten de vil eller ikke. Men i Folkets Hus var det full begeistring."

Alle liker f.eks. skitur søndagsmorgen kl 8.... :)

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wieden & Kennedy: new website

The brilliant advertising agency Wieden & Kennedy has got a new website. Its pretty crazy user interface. Still not quite sure whether I like it, but it is certainly something new! And thats gotta be worth something..

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Nektes iPod-hjelp

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Lov om beskyttelse av design

You might want to find out about the laws of copyrights regarding your new and beautiful designed logo..?

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.htaccess - Custom error pages

Something wrong with your weblinks or server? Then maybe a custom error page is a temporary solution..?

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Sweet font: Popgod!

By popular request, here is a quite cool font I found at the Fontshop: Popgod
Is THIS the one you like!?
or is it more this one: Zacron

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Norwegian design agency

This agency is quite good, amongst other project they've done Quart.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Simpsons maraton på ZTV!

– For å feire at det er gått to tiår siden den gule familien først kom på skjermen, vil det på ZTV vises Simpsons-episoder hele kvelden 19. april - fra kl. 19.00 til 24.00, skriver TV3 og ZTV i en melding.

Det er episoder fra sesong 16 og 17 vil vises fortløpende.

Også TV3 feirer Simpsons og der blir den vanlige episoden kl. 18.00 byttet ut med en times dokumentar om den gule familien og folkene bak serien.

Les mer her:

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Pave have

Påsken er over og mang en person har gledet seg over denne religiøse høytiden. Spesielt katolikkene. De har lyttet på pavens vise ord. Men for noen viser deg seg å være litt vanskelig å forholde seg til paven....

Det er ikke alltid like enkelt å være reporter, eller for den sakens skyld, intervjuobjekt. Dette kan tjenestemann Beining bekrefte.

It was broadcasted the 13.4.2007 on Radio Nova FM 99,3 at 12.30.

Download / Listen here!

Subscribe to this podcast via iTunes!


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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Vineyards til Norwegian Wood

The Vineyards trenger din hjelp!
The Vineyards er med i konkurransen om å få spille på Norwegian Wood festivalen til sommeren. Dette er en sjanse de ikke har tenkt å la gå fra oss, så ydmykt ber de om vår hjelp!

Send en liten sms med kodeord "wood" til 1987 og gi deres stemme til det eneste riktige bandet - The Vineyards!

Les mer om konkurransen her:
Hør, se og kommuniser med The Vineyards her: eller

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Free mobile applications: Get Jar

Who doesn't own a mobile phone? You've filled it up with SMS and MMS, but you want more! You want java applications. But you want them for free. That's where comes in... Have fun!

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Friday, April 06, 2007

New Rave again: Klaxons

Ah, and while we are at it. I have to show you two of my favourite tracks for the time being. Two songs by the Klaxons. And as you can see: neon colors all over the place.. :)

Klaxons - "Gravity's Rainbow"

Klaxons - "Atlantis to Interzone"

Turn up the volume for this track!!

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Style of the season: New Rave

Ok, no question about what colours and style we ought to follow the next months: Its New Rave with neon colours and a happy mix of the 80s and 90s rave. Klaxons sing the soundtrack well, BUT I think that somehow things become so similar. Just have a look at the screenshots of the Norwegian musicfestivals websites:


Hove (not really the same colorscheme, but quite similar freaky illustration style to Øya):
Oh, and if I have to choose festival: Hove has by far the best line-up. At least for my liking. Anyone want to join me!?

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Handy startpage: Netvibes

Have just discovered It's a site similar to Google's "Home" site, however being a Mac addicct, I prefer Netvibes layout and easy userinterface. Also I love the idea that one acctually doesn't have to log on to be able to use it. Registering is however useful, as Netvibes saves the settings and they won't get lost in case you delete your cookies. Also if you use multiple computers like me, you can easily get your personlised page on the other computer by logging in.

The RSS feeds are quite good too, being able to see Aftenposten, NYT, Spiegel and El Pais at the same time.

Only, I think they should get a smaller clock. The so called "mini-clock" is really not "mini". More like "major". Oh, well. Can't get'em all at once I suppose.. :)

Happy easter! (and if you happen to see Valentin today: congratulate him from me. It's his birthday! Hurra!)

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Radiotjenesten på TV Oslo

Vi har promotert dette har under våre sendinger. Dette ble tatt opp under vår sending den 16.3. og vist på TV 18.3. Så, her godtfolk: Radiotjenesten på TV Norge (okei da, TV Oslo.. )

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