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28 March 2009 »
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Sometimes spam is fun, as the one I got today proves:
IT IS NOT A SPAM, but if you received that message second and plus time JUST CLICK DELETE button and have a nice day. Don’t feel bad, please understand original Scarlett’s family very desperate to shut down that humiliating antichristian “actress” clones line career development. Hello dear Ladies and Gentlemen! I would like inform you that Scarlett Johansson ?actress? actually is a clone from original person Scarlett Galabekian last name, who has nothing with acting career, surname Galabekian, because of adoption happened in 1992. Clones was created illegally by using stolen biological material. Original person is very nice (not d**n sexy),most important – CHRISTIAN young lady! I’ll tell you more,those clones (it’s not only one) made in GERMANY – world leader manufacturer of humans clones, it is in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rhineland-Palatinate, Mr. Helmut Kohl home town. You can not even imaging the scale of the cloning activity. But warning! Helmut Kohl clone staff strictly controlling all their clones (at least they trying) spreading around the world, they are very accurate with that, some of them are still NAZI type disciplined and mind controlled clones, so be careful get close with clones you will be controlled as well. Original person is not happy with those movies, images, video, rumors and etc. spreading on media in that way it would be really nice if we all will try slow down that ”actress” career development, original Scarlett will really appreciated that. Please remember that original Scarlett’s family did not authorize any activity with stolen biological materials, no matter what form it was created in it was stolen and it is stolen. It all need to be delivered to authorize personals control in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Original Scarlett never was engaged, by the way! Her close friend Serge G. P.S. CONTROLLING ACTIVITY OF ANY CLONES IS US MILITARY OPERATION. Check also here: / have deleted the url/ H.R. 534, the Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2003, was introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives on February 5, 2003. After discussion, it was passed on February 27 by a vote of 241-155. It now moves on to the Senate for consideration. This bill makes it unlawful for any person or entity to perform or participate in human cloning, or to ship or receive embryos produced by human cloning. The penalties are imprisonment of up to 10 years and fines of $1 million or more. These now join other nations as diverse as Norway, Australia, and many other countries, which had already added cloning for any purpose to their criminal code. And in Germany where it carries a penalty of five years imprisonment they know a thing or two about unethical science.
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Tags: humour, web
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26 March 2009 »
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I guess it was almost just a matter of time, now wants my money. Only $3 a month, but still. A shame. Loads say that Spotify will win this battle, but I use these sites differently, so I believe both can live side by side. Seems like all sites start like this, free at start, get loads of users, then trying to figure out how to get money, then subscription charges pop-up. Reality bites.
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Tags: music, web
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24 March 2009 »
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Kutiman mixes songs and musicclips from YouTube into quite funky songs. See all his songs on YouTube or his website
My favourite song is called “I’m New. Here it goes: Kutiman (Thru-you)
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22 March 2009 »
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I was listening to Girl Talk on and then I heard Jaydiohead.
He is like Danger Mouse, but mixes Radiohead with Jay-Z. Kind of cool I thought and I wanted more. So I visited his website. There his album can be downloaded for free at
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Tags: artist, music, web
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16 March 2009 »
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If you dont like the interface of Jitter, check out uTweetMe is another Java app for mobiles, but I never got it to work on my w810i. Has someone gotten it to work?
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15 March 2009 »
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I have been on Twitter for a couple of months, but never really got the point. Probably also cause no one else in Norway got it either. I only had ONE friend/follower on Twitter. That was Tim. But over the last months, suddenly everyone seems to be on Twitter. And when the biggest Norwegian newspapers like VG and Dagbladet have journalist like my friend Snorre Bryne (Dagbladet) using it actively communicating with his readers and having Twitter streams in their articles AND Twingly, then you know its become mainstream in Norway too. The widespread popularity of the iPhone has increased the usage too.
Any-ways, having a blog I mixed that up with Twitter with TwitterFeed (its just really a feed from my blog to my twitter account) and then having the Twitter application in Facebook feeding from Twitter to my Facebook status field, suddenly I have created a little mashup and am so proud!
BUT, I dont own an iPhone, but obviously want to spam everyone with meaningless trivia from my daily life. So what to do? Tata!! I found the solution: Jitter.
A tiny free Java application created by Abiro. It works on pretty much any phone supporting MIDlets. Such as my old w810i. Technology is wonderful! Hurrah!
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Tags: computer, product, tip, web
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04 March 2009 »
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Havent really figured this one out. But it seems to be cool. Haha. Go Yahoo!
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02 March 2009 »
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Really bizzarre, but of some reason NO ONE has written about Norways biggest rave party Hyperstate on Wikipedia. So as the big philanthropist I am, ta ta!
Please help the article become better, and feel good about yourself too
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Tags: article, dance, music, new, web
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11 February 2009 »
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Browsershots –
This complimentary service lets you test your Web design in 55 different combinations of Web browsers and operating systems. It’s a handy tool to show a client how different systems can mangle sites using nonstandard code.
Type in a Web address, select which browser/OS combinations to test, and click the button. Browsershots uses distributed computing to test your page across a network of users, who send back screenshots showing the results.
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Tags: tip, web
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26 January 2009 »
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This site has loads of really good looking icons and templates to download. Quite complex design too.
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Tags: design, web