Make your Podcast Searchable with Casting Words
How cool is that? Making your podcasts searchable!? I seem to have heard about an automated service that does this, but so far the only thing I found was this:
// ads & spam //
How cool is that? Making your podcasts searchable!? I seem to have heard about an automated service that does this, but so far the only thing I found was this:
Easy way of finding out your Google Pagerank when you havent got the Googlebar installed. Google DC PageRank Rapport 1.0
0-1 Low ranking
2 Moderate ranking
3-4 Good ranking
5-6 Very good ranking
7-9 Top ranking
10 Almost impossible!
Or just use this one:
This could be usefull if you want to Customize Your Blogger Header with a GIF or something similar.
#header {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:1px solid #cc;
background-image: url(stars.gif);
Customizing your header: add an image
How to Put a Background Image in Your Blog Header