Tag Archive > tip

Logo design tips by Designer Daily

» 10 March 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Designing a logo? In need of some guidelines? Read the “10 tips for a logo design that works” by Designer Daily. Some tips are obvious like 1. use vectors, but either you are a newbie or not, keep these tips in the back of your head. Some rules might be good to follow!

Ah, and then there are a bunch of commentaries suggesting even more tips.

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Yahoo Pipes – mix your rss feeds

» 04 March 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Havent really figured this one out. But it seems to be cool. Haha. Go Yahoo!

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Test your site on any browser – Online

» 11 February 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Browsershots – http://browsershots.org/
This complimentary service lets you test your Web design in 55 different combinations of Web browsers and operating systems. It’s a handy tool to show a client how different systems can mangle sites using nonstandard code.

Type in a Web address, select which browser/OS combinations to test, and click the button. Browsershots uses distributed computing to test your page across a network of users, who send back screenshots showing the results.

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Added feedback form on my Portada online shop

» 27 December 2008 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

I just added an uservoice feedback form on my online shop which sells tshirts and hoodies that I have designed. Lets see if people do leave comments. What do you think? Please leave a comment.

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Video call when Skype doesnt work…

» 26 December 2008 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Skype is great for calling, but also has a good video call function. However sometimes it doesnt work. Especially between a PC and Mac. So one needs alternatives. Heres an overview over 10 different video conference applications: 10 Skype alternatives I tried SightSpeed, but never got it to work apart from the chat function which was like a poor Messenger.

Apparently in January Microsoft will release a Beta of Windows Live Messenger for Mac that finally supports video too. Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope it works well.

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Create your own desginer belt: Apple Mac Pro Mouse Beltbuckle

» 25 December 2008 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Finally a thing to do with your all electronic trash.. Instructables has a great site with loads of tutorials and tips how to create fun stuff, just like this really nerdy beltbuckle: http://www.instructables.com/id/Pro-Mouse-Beltbuckle/

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Create peeling sticker effect in Photoshop – tutorial

» 15 December 2008 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Sometimes you want to create fake stickers on your Photoshop artwork. And here is a great tutorial how to do that:

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Loads of free comic fonts! Even Roy Lichtenstein style

» 22 October 2008 » In Uncategorized » 1 Comment

You want to use Roy Lichtensteins comic font that he used in his speech bubbles? One was created by Albright-Knox Art Gallery: “P22 Pop Art Comic

According to Fontshop
“The Pop Art font set was developed for the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York. The Comic typeface, in regular and bold italic, was inspired by the work of Roy Lichtenstein, whose crisp, clear caps were distinctive but legible.”

You can buy it for example here:

Dont want to pay? Here are loads of free alternatives:

“Laffayette Comic Pro” is fairly similar:

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Read magazines online for free

» 29 September 2008 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

“Read the world. Publish the world.” Thats what http://issuu.com/ claims anyways. See for yourself what you think!

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How to create a Roy Lichtenstein style image in Photoshop or Illustrator

» 26 September 2008 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Here are some great tutorials if you would like to become a pop-art artist!





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