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Find inspiration from other websites

» 25 May 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Need a button for your website? A breadcrumb menu? Out of inspiration? Look at http://patterntap.com/ The site gathers sreenshots from several sites and makes it fast and easy to get inspired (or copy..;) Here is an example for “Audio”.

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SkypeIn and SkypeOut on my w810i using Midp/Java

» 04 May 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

As I still live in the darkages of mobiles with my w810i, I envy all iPhone users with their great selection of apps from Apples AppStore. For example having Skype (except for T-mobile users who are banned from using it…) and Windows Live Messenger on your phone. So when I found Skype having a Java programme, I was well happy! It looks great (as opposed to most Java/Midp apps…), but happiness was short lived! I figured out I can ONLY chat to other Skype users with it from my mobile (or cell phone if you like). Pretty much useless then.

Previously I have mentioned EQO mobile, which works quite well for IP ringing. But IM+ for Skype seems much better! Not only can I phone Skype users and use SkypeOut, but I can also receice Skype calls. Fantastic! Would just love if they could upgrade the Java (Midp 2.0) layout, cause thats not really fancy…

7 days trial, or get the whole for 10 US bucks. Its a deal!

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Facebook is all open, or maybe you want some privacy?

» 23 April 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

10 easy tips on how to get some privacy once on Facebook. Could come in handy if you are as paranoid as I am. No, wait! Cant be that bad. After all, I have a blog. Two blogs. Two websites. Twitter, eh… + + Ok. So much for privacy paranoia..

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Create your own RSS feed readers easy

» 21 April 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Like many other I wanted to have RSS feeds on my website, in this case my Twitter feed on my blog. Not having the normal Blogger template, I wasnt able to use the Blogger feed widget. So I had to look elsewhere. Finally I found an article listing up a bunch of different, easy to use RSS feedcreators that dont need programming skills. Robin Good wrote them. After reviewing most of them I concluded that FeedSweep and SpringWidgets where the easiest to use. Both are free btw. Though the SpringWidget has nice scrolling, it doesnt really integrate well visually (I find) with the rest of my site, so I ended up with FeedSweep. It has a great easy to use editor, with loads of options, such as border colors, font size, etc.

I only have sometimes some trouble saving the feedreaders. I guess you cant get it all..

Anyways, good luck!

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Create a Retro Photo and Background

» 21 April 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

A great Photoshop tutorial I got via Rune Grothaug

It shows how to create a old looking photo. Goody

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Why are all these icons for free!?

» 19 April 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

They all look great: http://iconpot.com/ is my honey pot!

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Free photos for all to use!

» 18 April 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

The Morguefile free photo reference archive provides the public and creative community with a repository of FREE raw photo materials. Oh happy days for us creatives!

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Free music is good! When from Del The Funky Homosapien its better!

» 14 April 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

Back in 1991 Del tha Funkee Homosapien got famous with the hit “Mistadobalina”. He hasnt really been away, eventhough I almost only heard about him through Gorillaz. Anyways, point is he is giving away his latest album Funk Man (the stimulus package) for free. You only have to sign up for his newsletter (which you can sign off from any time). Loads of other music there too for free. Sweet.

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Other Twitter apps on mobile: Jib Jib & uTweetMe

» 16 March 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

If you dont like the interface of Jitter, check out http://code.google.com/p/jibjib/. uTweetMe is another Java app for mobiles, but I never got it to work on my w810i. Has someone gotten it to work?

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Twitter usage increases in Norway and how to get old mobile phones (ie. w810i) on Twitter

» 15 March 2009 » In Uncategorized » No Comments

I have been on Twitter for a couple of months, but never really got the point. Probably also cause no one else in Norway got it either. I only had ONE friend/follower on Twitter. That was Tim. But over the last months, suddenly everyone seems to be on Twitter. And when the biggest Norwegian newspapers like VG and Dagbladet have journalist like my friend Snorre Bryne (Dagbladet) using it actively communicating with his readers and having Twitter streams in their articles AND Twingly, then you know its become mainstream in Norway too. The widespread popularity of the iPhone has increased the usage too.

Any-ways, having a blog I mixed that up with Twitter with TwitterFeed (its just really a feed from my blog to my twitter account) and then having the Twitter application in Facebook feeding from Twitter to my Facebook status field, suddenly I have created a little mashup and am so proud!

BUT, I dont own an iPhone, but obviously want to spam everyone with meaningless trivia from my daily life. So what to do? Tata!! I found the solution: Jitter. A tiny free Java application created by Abiro. It works on pretty much any phone supporting MIDlets. Such as my old w810i. Technology is wonderful! Hurrah!

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