Rene Magritte on my Mac
I really love Rene Magritte, so what could then be better than to place him on my MacBook Pro? has some great dekals for $13. But which is best?
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I really love Rene Magritte, so what could then be better than to place him on my MacBook Pro? has some great dekals for $13. But which is best?
AppStorm has gathered a great selection of 12 apps for running a freelance business. Some are free, whilst others cost (a bit). One of my favourite sites are mentioned, namely DropBox.
I have looked into Billings before, but never really started to use it (never came past the testing stage..), but it seems promising.
One programme I found really interresting was iBiz by IGG Software. You can associate a document to the application and it tracks the time you work on it (or at least have it open). Much better than having a stop watch which one tends to forget stopping.
AppStorm have a good selection of osX Screensavers presented. My favourites are:
SoundStream (great when you have a party and want some visuals)
Or HAL 9000 (how more geeky can you get?!) This one is both for PC and Mac.
All free of course (!?)
[youtube=] Just got a Beta invite and installed BumpTop on my PC. Its really fun! Suprisingly not slow either. Doubt this will be the future for user interface, but great new thinking. And might be good on handhelds?
Extremely well-made video by The Onion!
Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard
Skype is great for calling, but also has a good video call function. However sometimes it doesnt work. Especially between a PC and Mac. So one needs alternatives. Heres an overview over 10 different video conference applications: 10 Skype alternatives I tried SightSpeed, but never got it to work apart from the chat function which was like a poor Messenger.
Apparently in January Microsoft will release a Beta of Windows Live Messenger for Mac that finally supports video too. Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope it works well.
Finally a thing to do with your all electronic trash.. Instructables has a great site with loads of tutorials and tips how to create fun stuff, just like this really nerdy beltbuckle:
Yet another iTunes application I found on the net. Looks good, but I would have to have my Mac online 24/7… “MyTunesRSS allows you to access the music and videos from your iTunes library or any simple watch folder over a local network or even the internet. You can access your music from all over the world using a simple web browser.” Seems good. Has anyone tried this?
Havent tried this application yet, but seems promising. Finally a manner of cleaning up the chaotic iTunes library with TuneUp:
FluidTunes from Majic Jungle Software. Scroll your library in iTunes waving your hands in front of your Apple Mac. Havent tested this one yet, but seems like a pretty cool app.