Tag Archive > new
A BIG YES… and a small no music
Just found this Band: A BIG YES… and a small no Quirky, almost ska-ish, indie pop? Yeah, that categorisation works for me!
N-Light-Ns new album is out (or Son Of Light if you like..)
Still not used to the new artist name Son Of Light. Like the old one better. Either way, finally he has new music out which you can listen to at MySpace. Think Son and Pop is pretty cool
New user interface for the PC or Mac: BumpTop
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0ODskdEPnQ] Just got a Beta invite and installed BumpTop on my PC. Its really fun! Suprisingly not slow either. Doubt this will be the future for user interface, but great new thinking. And might be good on handhelds?
La Despensa creating great ads (as always)
The Spanish ad agency La Despensa has a great portfolio to show. And this time its for the matress company Pikolin. A long cathy song about all the noises keeping you up all night. See the video
Miss Harmonica is great!
Was at Doga yesterday in Oslo at Pecha Kucha. Last person on the stage was Miss Harmonica Great music! Escpecially love “Get dancy” Enjoy and have a great dancy weekend
Yahoo Pipes – mix your rss feeds
Havent really figured this one out. But it seems to be cool. Haha. Go Yahoo!
My very first (own) Wikipedia entry: Hyperstate!
Vinterens store hit: Karatetriks!
Tidligere tjenestemann (fra Radiotjenesten.com på Radio Nova) Arild Nøst Odland har laget vinterens store slager med sitt nye band Karate. Sangen heter “Karatetriks”. Selv lagde jeg omslaget. Håper dere synes at den har samme kvalitet som sangen
Vi gleder oss til mer! God helg!
Macbook Wheel
Extremely well-made video by The Onion!
Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard