Tag Archive > friends
Pengestøtte til «Ragnar Rock – Veien mot Vallhall»
Min fetter får penger for å lage dataspill. Gratulerer til ham! Firmaet heter http://www.inludo.com/
Les hele artikkelen på: http://www.dagbladet.no/
Henrik’s bachelor party
Sorry Henrik for linking to your Youtube presence..
Rally through Africa
A couple of friends of mine, Brede Hertzenberg and Vegard Johnsen, are rallying through Europe to Africa. Follow their journey from their site: http://teamnorwegianarmy.blogspot.com
ps. kind of funny though. These guys don’t know much about cars, so they bought a car that as A BIT better than everyone elses. As one can read on their blog they have already noticed that A BIT maybe wasn’t enough…