End of the world flash animation (Nike ad)
The guy who made the “End of the World” flash animation (I am LE TIRED! WTF Mate?) got hired by nike to do their site for their Sphere line of clothing…
Check it out:
The Original “end of the world” flash
// ads & spam //
The guy who made the “End of the World” flash animation (I am LE TIRED! WTF Mate?) got hired by nike to do their site for their Sphere line of clothing…
Check it out:
The Original “end of the world” flash
The Spanish ad agency, La Despensa have made a really cool website:
Brands, brands, brands! Here’s a great site that tells you the history of loads of brands.
For anyone who has ever had anything to do with advertising, this is extremly funny (cause its true…;). The first (and original) video is by far the best though. Enjoy!
Truth in Advertising 1
Truth in Advertising 2[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4pytd6tt1A]
The Truth In Ad Sales[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fclYmVaORbM]
This is a screenshot of a.beining.com version 2. It lasted me 902 days. And around 2000 visits, of which 50% came from Norway, 13% Spain, 7% China (Beining is a city in China apparently), USA, UK ++
Most use XP (53%) and IE 6 (34%). BUT being a portfolio site, loads of Macers have come around too! 37% use osX and 34% Safari. Not bad..
Well, after so long time without any updates (last one was the 1. of June 2006..), I was getting embaressed, SO without any further ado: TATAA! http://a.beining.com all new!
Skol beer from Brazil had this campaign some time back. The copy says (more or less): Left image: “If the person who invented the black censorship block would have had Skol, it wouldn’t be like this.” Right image: “It would be like this.”
Just look at this ridiCULOus spot from the Spanisch ad agency The Farm for the softdrink KAS. The spot is called “Culo” (behind/ass/ or whatever you wanna call it). A girl runs around in the city, constantly close-up of bottom, she turns around and sess loads of guys following her, she drinks KAS, continues to run. Great concept to display a product! (kind of embarrassing that I was working as a Junior Art Director there at that time.. but trust me. The idea wasnt mine!)
See the spot here: http://www.thefarmcf.com/tv/Kas_Culo.html
But it can also be done in a more subtle and humours way. Just look at how Post-it did it:
Flott reklamefilm fra Republica. Stilig produksjon, men skjønner liksom ikke helt poenget her. Slagordet er “Vi vet ikke hva som skjer.” (se bildet for hele teksten)
Vet liksom ikke helt om jeg har lyst til å velge en bank som sier dette. Ok, å være åpen og ærlig. Men jeg for min del foretrekker nå en bank som vet hva som skjer. Spesielt feks. når du skal investere penger!
“Jeg skulle gjerne investert endel penger i noe fond jeg. Hvordan er fremtidsutsiktene for fond x?” DnB Nor: “Nei, vet ikke. Vi aner ikke hva som skjer vi…” HALLO!?
Anyhow, kikk på http://www.firetretoen.no/ og bedøm selv. Forøvrig kunne jeg nok tenkt meg å se den filmen.. (Strengt tatt burde den vel hete “Dos”, som oppfølger til “Uno”)
A gunshy writer-in-training rants and finds stuff by copywriter Leilah Ambrose
This is the way all ads should be! have a brilliant weekend! (ps. its taken from the fantastic cartoon Ren and Stimpy)
Arbeiderpartiet har hatt landsmøte og fått seg nytt slagord. Det nye slagordet er: “Alle skal med”. Leste en fin kommentar idag i DN av Kjetil B. Alstadheim i dag. Han skriver bla.:
“Slagordet høres ut som en sosialdemokratisk søndagstur. Alle skal med, enten de vil eller ikke. Men i Folkets Hus var det full begeistring.”
Alle liker f.eks. skitur søndagsmorgen kl 8….