Happy website
A friend of mine tipped me about this site. Its a US based webdesign company called The Happy Corp Global. Pretty cool site, with loads of info. http://www.thehappycorp.com/words/
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A friend of mine tipped me about this site. Its a US based webdesign company called The Happy Corp Global. Pretty cool site, with loads of info. http://www.thehappycorp.com/words/
Det har den siste tiden blitt spekulert i Petter Stordalens voldsomme miljøengasjement: hvorfor er det så viktig for ham at det ikke blir dumpet gift i Oslofjorden? Har han noe personlig å vinne på å delta i høstens valgkamp? Vi lot vår tyske venn Ingo Rothmühler undersøke saken.
Eh… ja,vi i Radiotjenesten er vel så overrasket over Stordalens dobbeltmoral og kyniske planer som dere. Men i ettertid viser det seg at tyskeren Ingo Rothmüller var litt voldsom med klippingen av telefonintervjuet. Han har nå fått advarsel ang kildebruk, men han har lovet å skjerpe seg.
It was broadcasted the 7.9.2007 on Radio Nova FM 99,3 at 12.30.
Congrats to the Danish architects of JDS / Julien de Smedt for winning the competition for the new Oslo Holmenkollen ski jump. Hope it will be built and ready to use in 2010. See all finalist here:
“At Universitetet i Oslo prøver å tiltrekke seg internasjonale studenter og ikke har tilstrekkelig informasjon på engelsk er rett og slett håpløst, uttaler internasjonalt ansvarlig i Studentparlamentet i Oslo, Ole Andre Gjerde. Radiotjenesten tok turen til Simon Ditlov som jobber som intergreringskoodinator ved UiO.
Vi i Radiotjenesten er gleder oss over all norsk undervisning, hvor hen den måtte befinne seg i verden, da flere vi kunne forstå norsk og dermed bli Radiotjenesten lytter!
It was broadcasted the 31.8.2007 on Radio Nova FM 99,3 at 12.30.
Brands, brands, brands! Here’s a great site that tells you the history of loads of brands.
One day I came to work and suddenly all my folder texts were in ugly blue, rather than black. Being intolerant to changes (that I have not done on purpose), I eventually figured out how to fix the problem:
You can then set your folder view to display compressed folders in blue (Tools, Folder Option, View, Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in colour)
It will only slow things down a little as the operating system has to decompress the data when accessing it. Never seen it corrupt data.
Thanks to toms hardware for making me sleep better at night..
YouTube is great for finding all sorts of video clips, but wouldnt it be nice having them on your computer? And when I say computer, I mean Mac (it might even work on PCs, now that Safari is available on Windows too). So after some googling, I found the following tip at MacOSXhints.com:
If you’re using Safari, there’s an easy way to download YouTube videos. Open the page with the movie and press Command-Option-A (or Window – Activity), which shows the Activity window. If you’re also loading other sites, you’ll see a list of them: scroll until you find the YouTube page and click on the arrow to show details about what is being loaded.
You will certainly notice an element whose size is over 0.5MB (most of the time, over 5MB). Double-click on it (even if it is still loading), and Safari will download it. When the download is over, navigate to the file in the Finder (which will probably be called get_video) and add the extension .flv to its name. Now you can play it with VLC or with QuickTime (only if you have Perian installed).
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