George W. Bush on Global Warming
or Will Ferrell as Dubya on Global Warming if you like…
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or Will Ferrell as Dubya on Global Warming if you like…
As a design nerd, you gotta love these fontbots made by Jonathon Yule:
Its a bird, its a plane, no it is Helbotica!
USAToday sum up USAs results of Cannes Lions 2008. See videos and PDFs here:
German ad agency Scholz & Friends won a bronze in Cyber Lions 2008 for the screensaver. See how the osX Flurry screensaver really works!
Great animated cooking video made by PES. [youtube=]
Visit more great videos
What a ingenious little plastic thingy. “Keep-A-Cable” has the overview for a cable organiser (and holder), that I have looked for so long! Just ordered one. Hope it keeps what I hope it promises.
More and more video sites are popping up. Good, considering Googles attempts to fill Youtube vids with overlay ads.
Here are just two examples from Vimeo, Viddler and :
Motion & Audio Experiments – A Minireel from Gustav Espenes on Vimeo.
Steve Jobs WWDC 2008 Keynote
RightPedal video (by the way, original blip videos are massive 1280×750 pix)
There are many ways of saving files online and possibly syncing them thereby. Here are some alternatives I have found:
- Skydrive (5gb free),
- Office Live (integrated with the MS Office suite)
- Gdisk (a software that turns your GMail account into a portable hard drive) (not really storage as such, only another way of distributing large files rather than sending via email, but I find their free service better than YouSendits)
-YouSendit(not really storage as such, only another way of distributing large files rather than sending via email)
- Amazon S3 ($0.15 per GB-Month of storage used AND monthly trafic cost)
- Apples (Individual One-year subscription $99)
And finally my favourite: Dropbox (invitation only, but giving you 2gb free, with cross-platform functionality and web interface too. And its just drag and drop!)
“Stjarnorna finns har” the Swedish reggae band sing. Great stuff for lazy summer days. AND you can download two songs for free at:
Love the coverdesign too