Norwegian music: Ingeborg Selnes
One of favourite musicians is Rockettothesky, alias Jenny Hval. And here comes her apprentice: Ingeborg Selnes! Weird text, strange pling plong music and very promising. I have bought her album “The Zoo” which is great! She was warm-up for Jenny (at her album release) and there she was rather shy and not very talkative. But this was some time back, so maybe she has changed now? She can learn from Jenny: create wonderfull (and introvert) music, but still be funny and talk to the audience.
Looking forward to see and hear more from her though.
13/03/2009 at 22:32 Permalink
I did not support Jenny at her release-gig. I did some backing-vocals on her show, but is was her friend “Lappalie” from Australia that did the warm up!
08/04/2009 at 19:12 Permalink
oh, thats true that you did the backing vocals. Men fint var det uansett
Og supert album. Gratulerer!